"Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated" - Anne Roe
We believe it is our duty as scientists to openly communicate our findings and tools to the scientific community and the broader public. The Cai Lab is committed to accessible and transparent science.
CCR5 is a suppressor for cortical plasticity and hippocampal learning and memory
Zhou M, Greenhill S, Huang S, Silva TK, Sano Y, Wu S, Cai Y, Nagaoka Y, Sehgal M, Cai DJ, Lee YS, Fox K, Silva AJ (2016) eLife
Molecular and cellular mechanisms for trapping and activating emotional memories
Rogerson T, Jayaprakash B, Cai DJ, Sano Y, Lee Y, Bekal P, Deisseroth K, Silva AJ (2016) PLOS ONE
A shared neural ensemble links distinct contextual memories encoded close in time
Cai DJ, Aharoni D, Shuman T, Shobe J, Biane J, Song W, Wei B, Veshkini M, La-Vu M, Lou J, Flores S, Kim I, Sano Y, Zhou M, Baumgaertel K, Lavi A, Kamata M, Tuszynski M, Mayford M, Golshani P, Silva AJ (2016) Nature